Plant Tissues, Organs and Systems Quiz

Do you know the important tissues in plants?

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Read about Plant Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems - 2 mins

Plant Tissues - Types and Functions

  • Epidermal Tissue: The outermost layer of cells in plants, providing a protective barrier against mechanical injury, water loss, and infection. It’s typically one cell thick, covered with a waxy, waterproof cuticle to reduce water loss.
  • Palisade Mesophyll: Located just below the epidermal layer, these chloroplast-rich cells are the primary site for photosynthesis. Their elongated shape enhances sunlight absorption.
  • Spongy Mesophyll: Situated beneath the palisade layer, these cells are loosely arranged with air spaces between them, facilitating gas exchange and aiding photosynthesis.
  • Xylem and Phloem: The plant’s vascular tissues. Xylem transports water and minerals from roots to other plant parts, while phloem distributes nutrients like glucose. Xylem also contributes to structural support.
  • Meristem Tissue: Found at the growing tips of shoots and roots, responsible for plant growth. These cells rapidly divide and can differentiate into various plant cell types.

Plant Organs - Types and Functions

  • Leaves: Essential for photosynthesis and water management. They absorb water from the soil, and stomata regulate water release and gas exchange.
  • Shoots: Comprising the stem, leaves, and buds. The meristem at the shoot tip produces new cells for growth towards light, while the outer layer consists of protective epidermal cells.
  • Roots: Typically underground, roots do not perform photosynthesis as they lack chloroplasts. Their functions include water and mineral absorption, plant anchoring in soil, and sometimes starch storage. The meristem at the root tip aids in growth, and root hair cells enhance water absorption.

Check out our other quiz on Transpiration and Translocation to learn more about how substances move around plants and the role of xylem and phloem.