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GCSE Science Quizzes








Fundamentals in Science




Digital Mock Exams




What is the Fundamentals in Science Course?

The Fundamentals in Science Course is designed to help you with the essential skills to pass your GCSE Science exams. 

The course consists of practical skills in chemistry and physics, check out the topic list below. 

Chemistry –

  • Balancing chemical equations
  • Building and using half equations (under construction)
  • Building and using ionic equations (under construction)

Physics –

  • Memorising physics formulas
  • Rearranging physics formulas
  • Converting between different units
  • Using physics formulas in exams

More topics are to be announced! We promise to continue to improve this course with new challenges to support you in your GCSE exams.

How do I access the Fundamentals in Science Course?

We want you to have access to this course but this site has taken us hundreds of hours to build and we are still working hard!

You can access the course now by paying £2, this helps us to continue building great content.

We also understand that times are tough and your parents might not be able to pay for the course. So we have made the course free if you complete all of the science quizzes! This will take some time, but we will reward your patience with access to the course. You will also build your knowledge through the science quizzes, all of which will help you during your exams.

You can also access the digital mocks in the same way! Just complete the science quizzes and also the Fundamentals in Science Course and you’ll automatically be given access to digital mocks made for your exam board and course. Alternatively, pay £2 and access them now!

We wish you good luck.

What are the Digital Mocks?

Since we spent so long building all of the science quizzes, we build an incredible bank of questions! We have repurposed these questions and built Digital Mock Exams. 

These are automatically marked and split into the exams you will take for your GCSEs. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to automatically mark long answer questions so it is not a 100% representation of your exams. Nevertheless, we have done our best to pick challenging questions and match the exam conditions where possible, for example, the time limit is the same in your exam as in the digital mock. 

We hope our Digital Mocks are helpful and wish you good luck.